Troubleshooting =============== .. hint:: Checkout the `Franka Community `_ and the `franka_matlab category `_ for relevant posts or for creating new ones! .. hint:: Before proceeding with the Franka MATLAB Toolbox, it would be a good practice to execute a couple of the libfranka examples, under the build/examples folder, in order to ensure that the libfranka installation has been succesful and that the system can operate under the Real-Time control constraints. control_modes.h: No such file or directory error. ------------------------------------------------- .. figure:: _static/simulink_model_apply_control_only_build_error.png :align: center :figclass: align-center The build error message in simulink when only the "apply control is present". This is a known current limitation of the system, as the build process will fail if only the "apply control" block is present in a simulink model. .. figure:: _static/simulink_model_apply_control_only.png :align: center :figclass: align-center Example of a Simulink model with only "apply control". The build will fail. For fixing the issue just include any other block from the Franka Simulink Library, e.g with the terminal if it will be left unused. .. figure:: _static/simulink_model_apply_control_only_fix.png :align: center :figclass: align-center Fixing the "control_modes.h: No such file or directory error." by including any other block from the Franka Simulink Library. libfranka reference ------------------- .. hint:: Same error messages and advised troubleshooting applies as `libfranka `_. Issues with the graphics driver in Linux ---------------------------------------- NVIDIA's graphics driver's are not officially supported in Linux with Real-Time Kernel. This could cause issues in graphics renderings in Matlab and Simulink, e.g with figures and scopes respectively. We would then recommend starting matlab with the `-softwareopengl` for avoiding these issues: .. code-block:: shell $ matlab -softwareopengl Issues with and other system dynamic libraries ----------------------------------------------------------- Make sure that you have installed the `matlab-support package `_ for your system, in order for Matlab to reference the system dynamic libraries instead of the precompiled ones that it ships with: .. code-block:: shell sudo apt install matlab-support Franka Simulink library number of block instances ------------------------------------------------- .. important:: The Simulink library has been designed for rapid-prototyping of robot controllers with one-robot in mind. Multiple instances for the Apply Control block are not encouraged as this has not been tested. Multiple instances of all the other Simulink blocks, as long as they point to the same robot ip, can be utilized.