Installation on Windows ======================= .. caution:: Windows support is very experimental and only intended for experienced users. Since Windows is not real-time capable, communication errors are very likely. Further, these instructions are may not up-to-date and adjustments might be necessary. Starting from ``libfranka`` >= 0.6.0, **experimental** Windows support is provided. This chapter describes how to install ``libfranka`` on Windows. ``franka_ros`` is not supported on Windows. .. note:: Windows support has only been tested with Windows 10 and Visual Studio 2017. Building from source -------------------- To build ``libfranka``, install the following dependencies: * `Eigen3 `__ * `Poco `__ Both can be easily installed with `vcpkg `__ via cmd prompt: .. code-block:: shell cd /path/to/vcpkg vcpkg install eigen3 vcpkg install poco Download the source code by cloning ``libfranka`` from `GitHub `__: .. code-block:: shell git clone --recursive By default, this will check out the newest release of ``libfranka``. If you want to build a particular version of ``libfranka`` instead, check out the corresponding Git tag:: git checkout git submodule update .. important:: Only ``libfranka`` >= 0.6.0 has Windows support! To build ``libfranka`` with Visual Studio open it as a CMake Project. Choose **File** > **Open** > **CMake** > **C:\Path\To\libfranka\CMakeLists.txt**. Generate the ``CMakeSettings.json``, which contains the CMake project settings. Select **CMake** > **Cache** > **Generate** > **CMakeSettings.json**. The file will be placed in your main ``libfranka`` directory. The next step is to solve the build dependencies. Make sure the compiler is able to find the required dependencies. This can be done either by copying all needed .dll libries into the chosen build root determined by ``CMakeSettings.json`` or using cmakeCommandArgs. Open **CMake** > **Change CMake settings** > **libfranka** and add .. code-block:: json { "cmakeCommandArgs": "-DPoco_DIR=C:\Path\To\Poco-Install\lib\cmake\Poco -DEigen3_DIR=C:\Path\To\Eigen-Install\lib\cmake\eigen3" } Choose **CMake** > **Build** to build ``libfranka`` into the build directory, determined in ``CMakeSettings.json`` .. hint:: Alternatively you can build libfranka using the `Developer Command Prompt for VS`: .. code-block:: shell cd /path/to/libfranka mkdir build cd build cmake -DPoco_DIR=/Path/To/Poco/CMake/Config -DEigen3_DIR=/Path/To/Eigen/CMake/Config -G Ninja .. ninja