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libfranka 0.14.2
▼Cfranka::ActiveControlBase | Allows the user to read the state of a Robot and to send new control commands after starting a control process of a Robot |
▼Cfranka::ActiveControl | Documented in ActiveControlBase |
Cfranka::ActiveMotionGenerator< MotionGeneratorType > | Allows the user to read the state of a Robot and to send new motion generator commands after starting a control process of a Robot |
Cfranka::ActiveTorqueControl | Allows the user to read the state of a Robot and to send new torque control commands after starting a control process of a Robot |
Cfranka::Duration | Represents a duration with millisecond resolution |
Cfranka::Errors | Enumerates errors that can occur while controlling a franka::Robot |
▼Cfranka::Finishable | Helper type for control and motion generation loops |
Cfranka::CartesianPose | Stores values for Cartesian pose motion generation |
Cfranka::CartesianVelocities | Stores values for Cartesian velocity motion generation |
Cfranka::JointPositions | Stores values for joint position motion generation |
Cfranka::JointVelocities | Stores values for joint velocity motion generation |
Cfranka::Torques | Stores joint-level torque commands without gravity and friction |
Cfranka::Gripper | Maintains a network connection to the gripper, provides the current gripper state, and allows the execution of commands |
Cfranka::GripperState | Describes the gripper state |
Cfranka::Model | Calculates poses of joints and dynamic properties of the robot |
CMotionGenerator | An example showing how to generate a joint pose motion to a goal position |
Cfranka::Record | One row of the log contains a robot command of timestamp n and a corresponding robot state of timestamp n+1 |
Cfranka::Robot | Maintains a network connection to the robot, provides the current robot state, gives access to the model library and allows to control the robot |
Cfranka::RobotCommand | Command sent to the robot |
▼CRobotModelBase | Robot dynamic parameters computed from the URDF model with Pinocchio |
Cfranka::RobotModel | Implements RobotModelBase using Pinocchio |
Cfranka::RobotState | Describes the robot state |
▼Cstd::runtime_error | |
▼Cfranka::Exception | Base class for all exceptions used by libfranka |
Cfranka::CommandException | CommandException is thrown if an error occurs during command execution |
Cfranka::ControlException | ControlException is thrown if an error occurs during motion generation or torque control |
Cfranka::IncompatibleVersionException | IncompatibleVersionException is thrown if the robot does not support this version of libfranka |
Cfranka::InvalidOperationException | InvalidOperationException is thrown if an operation cannot be performed |
Cfranka::ModelException | ModelException is thrown if an error occurs when loading the model library |
Cfranka::NetworkException | NetworkException is thrown if a connection to the robot cannot be established, or when a timeout occurs |
Cfranka::ProtocolException | ProtocolException is thrown if the robot returns an incorrect message |
Cfranka::RealtimeException | RealtimeException is thrown if realtime priority cannot be set |
Cfranka::VacuumGripper | Maintains a network connection to the vacuum gripper, provides the current vacuum gripper state, and allows the execution of commands |
Cfranka::VacuumGripperState | Describes the vacuum gripper state |