Franka Library for MATLAB - Reference
In it’s current form, the MATLAB library is not officially supported for usage in combination with the Franka AI companion and it’s mainly purposed to be executed natively, in Linux Host PC with Real-Time Kernel.
FrankaRobot Class
fr = FrankaRobot(<robot ip string>);
Automatic Error Recovery
Will attempt an automatic error recovery .
Get Joint Poses
jp = fr.joint_poses();
Will return a 7 element cell array with the current robot joint poses.
Get Robot State
rs = fr.robot_state();
Will return a struct will the current robot state.
Joint Point to Point Motion
fr.joint_point_to_point_motion(<7 element double array with target configuration>, <0 to 1 scalar speed factor>);
Will move the robot into a desired joint configuration.
Joint Trajectory Motion
fr.joint_trajectory_motion(<7xn double array with desired joint trajectory>);
Will move the robot based on the given desired joint trajectory.
Make sure that the current configuration of the robot maches the initial trajectory element q(1:7,1) that is passed in the function! Additionally make sure that the given trajectory is sufficiently smooth and continuous.
Gripper State
gs = fr.gripper_state();
Will return a struct with the current gripper state.
Gripper Homing
Will perform a homing operation to the gripper and will return 1 if succesful.
Gripper Grasp
fr.ripper_grasp(width, speed, force, epsilon_inner, epsilon_outer);
Will attempt a grasp and will return 1 if the object is grasped, 0 otherwise.
Gripper Move
Will move the gripper to a desired width position. Will return 1 if succesful, 0 otherwise.
Gripper Stop
Will stop the current gripper operation. Will return 1 if succesful, 0 otherwise.