System Requirements

Host PC Requirements

MATLAB Version - Host PC OS Compatibility

The Host PC is the machine responsible for running MATLAB and Simulink.

Franka Toolbox Version

MATLAB Version

Host PC OS - Windows / Ubuntu Version


R2022a or newer

[Matlab System Requirements]

MATLAB Toolbox Dependencies

The following Mathworks products are required:

Some of demos provided with the franka_matlab need the following toolboxes:

MATLAB Coder Support Package for NVIDIA Jetson

For working with the Franka AI Companion & NVIDIA Jetson platforms please download and install the MATLAB Coder Support Package for NVIDIA Jetson and NVIDIA DRIVE Platforms.

Target PC - AI Companion

The Franka Toolbox for MATLAB ships with prebuilt libfranka and other binaries which are built based on the following AI Companion Target PC Ubuntu version:

Franka Toolbox Version

Target PC Ubuntu Version (recommended)


20.04 LTS

precompiled libfranka system dependencies

Franka Robot

libfranka Version

System Dependency



libpoco-dev (1.9.2-3ubuntu3 - Ubuntu-20.04 default), pinocchio (2.7.1)



libpoco-dev (1.9.2-3ubuntu3 - Ubuntu-20.04 default)

To install the required version of libpoco-dev on your system, you can use the following commands for Ubuntu-20.04:

sudo apt-get update
sudo apt-get install libpoco-dev

For installing the required version of pinocchio, please refer to the Pinocchio installation documentation.


In case the system dependencies cannot be met for libfranka, you can build and install libfranka from source, system-wide or locally in the scope of the Franka Toolbox only. For handling options, see libfranka handling options for Target PC.

Target PC - RT Linux Host

System requirements when the Host & Target PC are the same machine.

System Requirements

Make sure that your target PC configuration complies with the following documentation.

  1. Franka Robot System Compatibility Documentation .

  2. System Requirements .

  3. Setting Up the Real-Time Kernel.

The Franka Toolbox for MATLAB ships with prebuilt libfranka and other binaries which are built based on the following Target PC Ubuntu version:

Franka Toolbox Version

Target AI Companion PC Ubuntu Version (recommended)


22.04 LTS

MATLAB Support Package for Linux

In case where there is a single Ubuntu Host & Target machine, please ensure that you have installed the matlab-support package in order for Matlab to reference the system dynamic libraries instead of the precompiled ones that it ships with:

sudo apt install matlab-support

precompiled libfranka system dependencies

Franka Toolbox comes with prebuilt libfranka which requires the following system dynamic libraries:

Franka Robot

libfranka Version

System Dependency



libpoco-dev (1.11.0-3 - Ubuntu-22.04 default), pinocchio (3.2.0)



libpoco-dev (1.11.0-3 - Ubuntu-22.04 default)

To install the required version of libpoco-dev on your system, you can use the following commands for Ubuntu-22.04:

sudo apt-get update
sudo apt-get install libpoco-dev

For installing the required version of pinocchio, please refer to the Pinocchio installation documentation.


In case the system dependencies cannot be met for libfranka, you can build and install libfranka from source, system-wide or locally in the scope of the Franka Toolbox only. For handling options, see libfranka handling options for Target PC.